The Mongolian scale, a livelier version of the Chinese, is reminiscent of church and temple bells. The major pentatonic scale in root position in the key of A, it harmonizes nicely with the Aquarian scale. Hand-crafted, symphonic quality chime will play soothing melodies for years to come with little or no care, rain or shine. It will not rust or corrode or lose its precision tuning. Scientific design maximizes tonal purity and resonance. Tough synthetic cordage is highly resistant to abrasion, ultra-violet degradation, rot and mildew. Central tube suspension with smoothly polished tube ends. Heavy gauge polished stainless steel rings provide sturdy support and enduring beauty. Corrosion-protective finish preserves chime’s appearance and increases durability in hostile environments. 60″ tall.
See More fromMusic of the Spheres Tuned Windchimes
Music of the Spheres Windchime – 60″ Tenor Mongolian
See More from Music of the Spheres Tuned Windchimes
Music of the Spheres Windchime – 60″ Tenor Mongolian
SKU MTL $575.00-
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