Hurricane Preparedness
It’s an ill wind that blows no good! Hurricane season is upon us. Preparedness is the key in anticipation of a storm! Bering’s has a wide array of products available to meet your needs. We have compiled two lists, one for pre hurricane planning and the other for your post hurricane needs.
Pre Hurricane
- Batteries
- First Aid Kits
- Lanterns
- Sink Tub Stoppers (store water)
- Power Failure Light
- Gas Cans
- Portable Radios
- Portable TV
- Bottled Water
- Battery Operated Fans
- Candles
- Generator
- Extension Cords
- Fire Extinguishers
- Tape
- Rope Tile Downs
- Portable Stoves
- Cash
- Disposable Lanterns/Matches
- Gasoline
- Sterno
- Tarps/Roles of Plastic
- Food
- Coolers
- Portable Grill
- Can Opener
- Propane
- Water Containers
- Denatured Alcohol
- Charcoal
- Lamp Oil
Post Hurricane
- Rubber Boots
- Chainsaw
- Rain suits
- Axes
- Garbage Bags
- Bug Spray
- Fire Ant Killer
- Shop-Vac
- Buckets
- Fans
- Handsaws
- Tree Trimmers
- Mops/Squeegees
- Bleach
- Damp Rid
- Wheelbarrow
- Cleaning Supplies
- Ladder
- Saws
- Coolers
While we hope this list will not be needed, a little prep work is always a smart plan!!